Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Lots 'o Links

So I don't have an actual post today, but I do have some links to share. The first is the article my mother helped get written in the local paper in Washington, NC about my community hall project. The funny story is that it was found in the Fiji Sun just a few days later! How did that happen?! A volunteer friend in Fiji sent a text saying that I was in the Fiji Sun on Tuesday, mere days after the article was published in NC. Wow - now I am even MORE famous!


The other link I wish to share is a guest blog posting I did for the Marine Debris program of NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) at the request of my good friend Courtney. It discusses some waste issues in Fiji. So in lieu of a real blog post here, I will send you there.


You will also notice that the last posting is from my mom as a guest blog about her trip to Fiji.

A quick summary: A good friend who is a volunteer in Fiji is visiting this week to discuss money management with my village. I also threw down a waste management talk to the village as well about trash separation. This weekend we leave to go to Suva for a conference where we will meet all our fellow volunteer friends for mid-service training. We also will get the chance to meet all the new volunteers who arrived in May - the FRE8s. It will be exciting, but possibly depressing to see how enthusiastic they all are and to remember to a time gone by, when I too was that enthusiastic. I am still happy to be here, but don't see everything with fresh new eyes as they do now. After the conference, I will head to the northern island of Vanua Levu for a work exchange with a colleague - teaching his village about coral reefs and their importance. Looking forward to that. Then a mere 2 weeks later, my dad, stepmom, and lil' brother arrive for over a week!

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